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Summary of Charges


Rate 1    

Monthly Customer Charge    


Distribution Charge


Monthly Customer Charge (based on meter size and the use of natural gas in cubic feet per hour (cfh).

Rate 4

Rate 74

less than 1,000 cfh



1,000 to 10,000 cfh



more than 10,000 cfh



Distribution Charge

First 150 therms



Next 4,850 therms



Over 5,000 therms



Administrative Charge







Recording Device Charge

Diaphragm Meter


All other meter types


Rate 5

Rate 75

Monthly Customer Charge

Based on meter size and the use of natural gas in cubic feet per hour (cfh).

less than 1,000 cfh



1,000 to 10,000 cfh



more than 10,000 cfh



Non-Winter Use Distribution Charge

All therms



Winter Use Distribution Charge

All therms



Administrative Charge







Recording Device Charge

Diaphragm Meter


All other meter types


Rate 6

Rate 76

Monthly Customer Charge



Distribution Charge

All therms



Minimum Monthly Bill

Customer Charge + Rider 1 + Distribution Charge



Rate 7

Rate 77

Monthly Customer Charge



Demand Charge

First 10,000 therms



Over 10,000 therms



Distribution Charge

All therms



Minimum Monthly Bill

Customer Charge + Rider 1 + Demand Charge + Commodity Charge



Additional Charges for Rates 74, 75, 76 and 77

Storage Banking Service

$0.0094 per SBS Capacity therms

Additional Charges for Customer Select

Customer Select Charge

therms x CSC

Transportation Service Credit

therms x ($0.0033)

Non-Residential Rider 1 Customer Charge Adjustments

Energy Assistance Charge for the Supplemental Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund

Less than 4 million therms used in last calendar year


4 million therms or more used in last calendar year


Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology Energy Assistance Charge

Less than 4 million therms used in last calendar year


4 million therms or more used in last calendar year
